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The South Asian Insider

India Should Be Prepared for More Hindenburgs and Similar Soros-ian Assaults

Written By: Utpal Kumar
The timing was perfect from an Orwellian perspective. India was literally on the moon when a news item appeared cautioning the country of another Soros-ian strike - on the lines of the Hindenburg assault on a prominent corporate house in March this year. As per a PTI report, India should be prepared for "Hindenburg 2.0" as George Soros-backed 'Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project' (OCCRP) is reportedly planning to come up with another "expose", targeting other corporate houses in the country.
OCCRP is a global network of investigative journalists that "exposes crime and corruption so the public can hold power to account", says the description on its website. The body is being funded among others by Soros' Open Society Foundations (OSF), whose distaste, if not disregard, for democratic India in general and Narendra Modi in particular is not quite unfamiliar.
Soros has never concealed his loathing for Modi's India. The Hungarian-born American billionaire, in fact, had defended the Hindenburg report accusing how "Modi and business tycoon Adani are close allies". He added, "Adani Enterprises tried to raise funds in the stock market but failed…Modi will have to answer on Adani in Parliament. This will significantly weaken Modi's stranglehold on India's federal government. I expect a democratic revival in India… I could be foolish, but I think democracy will flourish again."
The Soros-ian idea of democracy is Orwellian in nature: Here war is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. And dictatorship is democracy! Clearly, things didn't go as per the Soros-ian script despite the Hindenburg report causing ripples across the country - and abroad. On the contrary, in the past few months, India has not only come out stronger, but also it is being accepted as the only "bright spot" in the global economy, especially at a time when it gears up to host a G20 summit in New Delhi. India has never been so self-assured and sure-footed in conducting itself globally. To add insult to injury, Prime Minister Modi has declared on the floor of Parliament in the just-concluded monsoon session that in his third term, India will become the third-largest economy in the world!
Thus comes the spectre of Hindenburg 2.0.
Soros, largely influenced by the American Deep State's inherent and institutionalised distrust for India, seems to be working overtime to turn this country into a failed democracy. As seen with OSF's reported involvement with anti-CAA and anti-farm law protests - and also with a senior OSF personnel participating enthusiastically in Rahul Gandhi's recent Bharat Jodo Yatra - a strategy seems to be in place to unleash chaos, violence and despair in India, on the lines of a toolkit created by communist theoretician Jan Kozák that called for exertion of pressure for radical change "from the upper levels of government and from provocateurs in the streets". Kozák termed this "pressure from above and below".
One way to exert "pressure from below", as Kozák explained, was to fill the streets with rioters, strikers and protesters. As for "pressure from above", there are reasons to believe that Soros' OSF, with its extended, hidden and dubious arms, are subverting top global think tanks and educational institutions such as Harvard (about which Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan write in detail in Snakes in the Ganga) and London School of Economics (where a top professor like Mukulika Banerjee is accused of pushing vitriolic anti-India narrative on campus), where children of the rich and powerful Indians study in a substantial number. The idea is to re-orient India's elite and push them to exert "pressure from above".
Soros is dangerous because he wears many masks. In an interview for a 1995 New Yorker profile, he conceded that the "subversive" mission of the OSF required him to wear a variety of masks. "I would say one thing in one country, and another thing in another country," he said with laughter. This two-faced nature was evident when he first denied any hands in the November 2003 uprising that toppled Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, but a few months later he told the Los Angeles Times: "I'm delighted by what happened in Georgia, and I take great pride in having contributed to it."
Author Rachel Ehrenfeld, in The Soros Agenda (2023), accuses Soros of spending "a lot of time discussing the need for 'transparency' and 'openness' while running one of the world's most secretive and powerful investing firms". To buttress her claim, she explains how in 2016, Tranparify rated Soros' OSF as "highly opaque and the least transparent" of "200 think tanks… in 47 countries" worldwide that were ranked. "Soros once described the influence of large cash donations in politics as 'a fundamental crisis in democratic self-government'. This, however, did not stop him from channeling his 'political philanthropy' through an intricate, multilayered web that would put to shame the elusive 'Darwin's bark spider' (Caerostris darwini), creator of the largest known orb webs," she adds.
Hypocrisy and double-standards come naturally to him. When he is accused of orchestrating the 1990s collapse of the Asian market, he first denies it, then takes refuge in what has been a common refrain for him - that it would've happened even if he wasn't there - and, finally defending his role: "I'm basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do." And once he makes money - a lot of money - through the hidden, dirty hands of capitalism, he questions the market system itself: "I now fear that the untrammeled intensification of laissez-faire capitalism and the spread of market values into all areas of life is endangering our open and democratic society," Soros writes in the Atlantic. "The main enemy of open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat."
Now that's called having the cake and eating it too - George Soros style!
The biggest Soros-ian lie, however, has been his victimhood story vis-à-vis Nazis. Ehrenfeld writes in The Soros Agenda, "Much has been written about Soros' past as a survivor of the German occupation of Hungary during World War II and the Soviet occupation that followed. He uses those experiences as his leading credential to justify meddling in political and social affairs as he sees fit."
However, the fact is Soros was a beneficiary of Nazi generosity. He was 14, when he had accompanied a Nazi Hungarian official at the Ministry of Agriculture named Baumbach, who was bribed by Soros' father to keep the teen at his apartment and present him as his godson. Soros accompanied Baumbach as the official identified Jewish property for confiscation by the Nazis. "I was only a spectator," Soros would defend his role in an interview with Steve Kroft on CBS's '60 Minutes' in 1994.
What makes him utterly dangerous is his illiberal, undemocratic nature. In 2020, Soros announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos his most ambitious initiative - the Open Society University Network (OSUN). He pledged $1 billion to create what "the world really needs" - a global platform for teaching and research that existing universities all over the world would be able to join, among other things, "to fight dictators and would-be dictators." When asked how the scholars at OSUN would identify "would-be dictators", Soros was quick to retort, as quoted by Ehrenfeld: "A perfect way to tell a dictator or a would-be dictator is if he identifies me as an enemy."
The truth is that it is this megalomaniac billionaire with dubious democratic, capitalistic credentials and Nazi connections who is the biggest threat to democracy worldwide, including in India. He publicly calls out his enemies, often holding them to ransom. The world's largest democracy is on that list currently. Soros has already declared a war on India under Prime Minister Modi, calling it a sham democracy.