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The South Asian Insider

Punjab cop killed in firing as 2 Nihang Sikh groups clash over gurdwara

One police personnel was killed, while three others were injured following a clash between Nihang Sikhs and cops in Punjab's Kapurthala. According to the details, the incident happened after nearly three dozen Nihangs stepped inside the Gurdwara Akalpur Bunga and attempted to seize the premises. Two rival Nihang groups have staked claims over the gurdwara's ownership, thus leading to tension in the area.Nihang is an order of Sikh warriors that traces its origin to the creation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699. They are distinguished by their blue robes and decorated turbans, and are often seen carrying weapons like swords and spears. In 2020, Nihang protesters chopped off the hand of a police officer in Patiala when he was trying to impose a Covid lockdown.